TitleDescription ContentDownload
MET-A4-Brosür-EMAİL ENDevelop new ideas with our support.Information about microwave technology and robotics.
METWAVE Industrial MicrowaveIncreased world food accessibility and improved reliability.Information about the advantages of microwave drying system.
METWave Trial Request Form March 2022You can contact us by filling out the trial request form.Information about the product, where the machine will be used and information about the company/person.
METWAVE LAB Pitch Presentation v2Met Advanced Technology Systems is a technology company that produces R&D solutions according to the needs of its customers. Since 2015, it has been developing microwave systems, one of its R&D projects.About Microwave And information about the development process.
MET 2018 CatalogueYou can take a look to get to know our company and our projects better.Information about the company and projects.
ContentTitle Download
Description: New ideas with our support

Content: Information about microwave technology and robotics.
METWAVE Industrial Microwave
Description: Increased world food accessibility and improved safety.
Content: Information about the advantages of a microwave drying system.
METWave Trial Request Form March 2022
Description: You can contact us by filling out the trial request form.
Content: Information about the product, the place where the machine will be used, and the company/person
information about
METWAVE LAB Pitch Presentation v2
Description: Met Advanced Technology Systems, R & D solutions according to the needs of customers
is a technology company. Since 2015, one of the R & D projects of microwave systems
is developing.
Content: Information about the microwave and the development process.
MET 2018 Catalogue
Description: You can browse to get to know our company and our projects better.
Content: Information about the company and projects.

Description: With our support
new ideas
Content: Microwave technology
and information about the robot.
Description: World food
increased accessibility
and increased reliability.
Content: Microwave drying
advantages of the system
information about
METWave Trial
Request Form
March 2022
Description: Trial request form
fill in and contact us
you can go through.
Content: Information about the product,
where the machine will be used
information and company / person
information about
Presentation v2
Description: Met advanced Technology
Systems, their customers
according to their needs
R&D solutions
is a technology company.
Since 2015
one of the R & D projects
microwave systems
is developing.
Content: About Microwave
And development Process
information about
MET 2018
Description: About our company and what we do
get to know the projects better
you can take a look for it.
Content: Companies and projects
information about